10 Modern ES6 Code Snippets to Solve Practical JavaScript Problems

Mohammad Zubair 0
Mohammad Zubair Coding Time

Here I have hand-picked some of the most useful code snippets.  In this article I tried to sort them based on their practical use, answering common questions you may face in your project:

1.How to hide all elements specified?

const hide = (...el) => [...el].forEach(e => (e.style.display = 'none'));

// Example
hide(document.querySelectorAll('img')); // Hides all <img> elements on the page

2.How to check if the element has the specified class?

const hasClass = (el, className) => el.classList.contains(className);

// Example
hasClass(document.querySelector('p.special'), 'special'); // true

3.How to toggle a class for an element?

const toggleClass = (el, className) => el.classList.toggle(className);

// Example
toggleClass(document.querySelector('p.special'), 'special'); 
// The paragraph will not have the 'special' class anymore

4.How to get the scroll position of the current page?

const getScrollPosition = (el = window) => ({
  x: el.pageXOffset !== undefined ? el.pageXOffset : el.scrollLeft,
  y: el.pageYOffset !== undefined ? el.pageYOffset : el.scrollTop

// Example
getScrollPosition(); // {x: 0, y: 200}

5.How to smooth-scroll to the top of the page?

const scrollToTop = () => {
  const c = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
  if (c > 0) {
    window.scrollTo(0, c - c / 8);

// Example

6.How to check if the parent element contains the child element?

const elementContains = (parent, child) => parent !== child && parent.contains(child);

// Examples
elementContains(document.querySelector('head'), document.querySelector('title')); 
// true
elementContains(document.querySelector('body'), document.querySelector('body')); // false

7.How to check if the element specified is visible in the viewport?

const elementIsVisibleInViewport = (el, partiallyVisible = false) => {
  const { top, left, bottom, right } = el.getBoundingClientRect();
  const { innerHeight, innerWidth } = window;
  return partiallyVisible
    ? ((top > 0 && top < innerHeight) || (bottom > 0 && bottom < innerHeight)) &&
        ((left > 0 && left < innerWidth) || (right > 0 && right < innerWidth))
    : top >= 0 && left >= 0 && bottom <= innerHeight && right <= innerWidth;

// Examples
elementIsVisibleInViewport(el); // (not fully visible)
elementIsVisibleInViewport(el, true); // (partially visible)

8.How to fetch all images within an element?

const getImages = (el, includeDuplicates = false) => {
  const images = [...el.getElementsByTagName('img')].map(img => img.getAttribute('src'));
  return includeDuplicates ? images : [...new Set(images)];

// Examples
getImages(document, true); // ['image1.jpg', 'image2.png', 'image1.png', '...']
getImages(document, false); // ['image1.jpg', 'image2.png', '...']

9.How to figure out if the device is a mobile device or a desktop/laptop?

const detectDeviceType = () =>
  /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
    ? 'Mobile'
    : 'Desktop';

// Example
detectDeviceType(); // "Mobile" or "Desktop"

10.How to get the current URL?

const currentURL = () => window.location.href;

// Example
currentURL(); // 'https://google.com'

To get like these tips and tricks, stay with me. Thanks for reading.

Mohammad Zubair

I'm Mohammad Zubair, a passionate software engineer working in the dynamic world of IT. Currently, I'm proud to be a part of HawarIT, a thriving Dutch-Bangladeshi joint venture company, where I contribute my expertise and enthusiasm to the field of software engineering.

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